Peregian Beach Reiki Healing

Hi, I’m Marie

I was first introduced to Reiki during an extremely challenging time in my life.  It was a time when my husband and I so desperately wanted to start a family of our own, but, after many unsuccessful years of IVF, it was then suggested to us to look into Energy Healing to possibly assist with or even help with the emotional process of IVF.  It was from there that I connected so deeply with the reiki energy, that I knew it would be a part of my life forever.  The unconditional love and calmness that you feel during a healing is absolutely beautiful. 

We eventually did fall pregnant, with twins!!  And I now have two beautiful and healthy toddlers who challenge me every-single-day.  But I wouldn’t change it for the world!!  Reiki definitely helped me deal with the emotional process that not only goes with trying to start a family, but also with the emotional and physical stress that goes hand in hand with IVF.

It was after having this connection with the beautiful reiki energy, that I knew this was the area I wanted to work in.  To assist people with their emotional and physical healing process - using this amazing modality.  It had helped me and healed me on so many levels, that I knew I had to become a Reiki Practitioner to help others connect to this beautiful healing energy of Reiki.

I look forward to connecting with you and healing you on a soul level.

Love & Light ✨
